Wednesday, January 03, 2007

More about S at 2

I was writing this as a comment at Bek's blog. It got so long I am just putting it here. Forgive my longwindedness ...

Once S dumped a whole bottle of liquid laundry detergent on my bed ... on my new handmade quilt and Scottish wool throw that my parents brought back from their vacation. Not easy stuff to launder and impossible to replace should I have ruined it. Fortunately it survived but geez!

Once he covered the living room rug with honey and crumbled saltines. I was so discouraged I just rolled up the rug and took it to the garage. Unbeknownst to me, DH cleaned it. He is so good.

Once he dissassembled an entire box of tampons -- unwrapped, popped out, unstrung. This is sad, but I truly didn't have $5 for another box of tampons and it freaked me out. That time I did remember to get out the camera, specifically with blackmail in mind, but I cannot find the picture now. Sad, huh?

Many times he locked us out of the house. Once DH was so frustrated that his "knocking" on the window got a little out of control. He broke the window. And you know if I didn't have $5 for tampons it was a little tricky to come up with enough money for a new window.

He could overcome any babyproofing device known to man and climb to any height. It was impossible to get him to stay in a time-out. (The therapist later said, "Isn't your husband an engineer? Why can't he just install a locking doorknob backwards on S's door?" My husband is not that kind of engineer. He's a hydrologist. I installed the doorknob with my lovely power drill. Vroom!)

He once screamed -- screamed -- for 48 hours solid. If you think that's a joke, it's not. I was so tired and freaky myself that I literally, honestly thought he was maybe possessed. I called my mom to come get him before I killed him. She had gotten enough sleep to realize he needed to see a doctor. I was too close to insanity to figure that out. He had a raging double ear infection.

We almost got expelled from childcare at the gym because he was so out of control with the other kids. Never mean, but just wild and physical. That was the low point that sent us to therapy. The gym was my only respite and the thought of losing it was extremely discouraging.

Where we went for therapy was The Children's Center in Salt Lake. We saw Dr. Doug Goldsmith. He was very compassionate and helpful. His main prescription was that I (mommy) find a way to get away from S (and A) for at least 3 hours a week. He recommended a part time job but was satisfied with my solution, which was having my dad come and stay with the boys while I went to the gym (since, remember, we were suspended from the gym childcare) and did the shopping by myself. It helped a lot. I was just tapped out. Dr. Goldsmith also assured me that S was not in fact a demon but an exceptionally demanding, difficult, and intelligent child.

We also took a Love and Logic parenting class through the Murray (Utah) school district that was helpful because it gave very specific words and strategies to use in the most frustrating moments. So much of this is about getting our own mommy emotions in check when our kids are out of control.

As for ADD/ADHD, I bring it up because Bek will get people making that amateur diagnosis and also people wondering if Cubby was a "drug baby" -- oh yeah, my favorite phrase. People will ask that, or worse, just assume it because he is black. A doctor or psychiatrist, though, will not diagnose ADD/ADHD until a child is 5 or 6, because the impulse control that is lacking in kids with the disorder (and for S it is the primary symptom) cannot be expected until between age 3 and 5. For those two years I was praying that S's impulse control would come in like a grownup incisor filling a gap-toothed grin. It never really did. I hear the next big step where he may be able to develop this is around age 14. We're crossing our fingers.

In the meantime I am sorely tempted to come kidnap Cubby for a couple of days. Do you think he would let me kiss his darling little cheeks?


SalGal said...

Isn't it so wonderful and right that we have each other to fall back on when we're feeling like this? Even if (when) we're not in each other's everyday lives (and speaking of Everyday... I FINALLY got mine!) we have this wonderful thing called the internet that connects old friends, new friends, and perfect strangers together when we need a place to put our thoughts and feelings out there about whatever's going on with us. And then our worldwide sisters can just jump in and tell us their stories so we know we're not alone!

Bek said...

Thanks Ana... this was huge. You have verbalized what I have been feeling. In fact, I told my husband the other night that if our marriage and my sanity was going to survive this I needed to find a way to get out of here for a few hours with out the kids to do 1/2 errand-y stuff and half "me" stuff once a week. That is great advice. I also totally agree with the statement that most of this is just mamma getting her feelings under control. I hate to discipline out of emotion. It doesn't work.

I don't think that Cubby has poor impulse control (yet.....) because no two year old does, but I will keep an eye on him. I have had a few people jump to the old drug baby excuse..... grrr.

This was a great post and really, really helped me a lot. I am happy to know you got through it. You don't need to kidnap him (yet) but he would LOVE it!

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

You are not alone. I adopted our foster baby. He is now 2 1/2. He drives me crazy. It is so hard sometimes.

There are times when I just feel like I am baby sitting and I wish his mother would come get him!!

Hopefully it will end when he is older. I wonder about the ADD/ADHD thing too. Who knows. The secret is to get out of the house.

Sometimes my hubby comes home and tells me to call a friend to go out with if there is no sitter available.

I call my gal and we go out to eat and shop or go to a movie. I love it. B is a good man!

There are times when I seatbelt G in his high chair so I can get something done. I don't think that is a bad thing. The alternative could be death!!! His and mine!