Monday, January 15, 2007

Batten down

A woke up this morning, sat up in bed, and called out, "Happy birthday, Martin Luther King, Jr. in heaven!" (So he's not calling him Saint Luther King anymore ... but is it just me, or does this sound almost deific?)

Still, I love Dr. King and I love it that we have a holiday in his honor. What a great example of how a human person with flaws and foibles can do amazing things for the world. I love it that we can honor him in spite of imperfection. See, it's not so hard to do (all Joseph Smith haters out there, take note).

Got a big work week coming up, with DH planning to be out of town for the first half of it. So I'm at work today, battening down the hatches and trying to make sure I don't die the rest of the week. I will be counting on a lot of energy bars and maybe even my friend Diet Pepsi. I am mostly wishing I were doing more special stuff with my kids on this really special day.

Check V's blog for a YouTube link of the famous speech.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

I like your statement about MLK and JS... so true.

Hope your work week goes by fast and easy, and enjoy those Diet Pepsi's for me!