As of today I'm ditching that plan and just writing about the book, because I already have another book in line to review. Going to bed for two days in protest of cosmic injustice can really help you get a jump on your reading list. For that reason I recommend it.
So here is why I really liked the Steingarten book.
- Funnier than crap, and by this I mean funny enough that I had to read parts of it out loud to my poor husband to try to justify my out-loud chuckles
- The man loves ketchup in a serious way, which is really important because I am someone who likes ketchup on scrambled eggs, especially if there are also pancakes and bacon and maple syrup on the plate
- Actually made me think Italian white truffles could be worth a try at $350 for a 7 ounce jar (although with my limited resources as described two days ago, it's not going to be happening)
- The chapter about fruitcake. This was the part I really wanted to quote. He writes the most hilarious description of Mormon women giving each other treats at Christmas time. It is the best example of respectful and affectionate mockery I have ever seen, and I hope that makes you want tor read it. But if you want to do so I guess you are just going to have to get the book yourself since I am not lugging the tome to work anytime in the near future, and really, honestly, who has time to blog at home?
I picked this and the sequel up at the library a couple of days ago. Cracked it open and I'm just at the beginning of the first chapter but I can already tell it's a great read. Thanks for the turn on!
I just found out there was a sequel today when I searched amazon for that graphic! What a fun thing to look forward to!
I've never heard of this book. I'll have to look for it. I love the title.
...I like ketchup on eggs, but please tell me you don't let the maple syrup get on the ketchup-y eggs. Please. (I like maple syrup on eggs and bacon, but not on ketchup.)
A woman who loves to read! You can't get any better than that. Reading is my vice. Or at least one of them. This one sounds good! I'll try it!
Sorry Allison, blame it on my grandpa. The whole joy of that breakfast is all the sweet and salty and tangy mixing together.
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