Here are some pictures of the furniture I'm planning to paint, just so you can give your informed, expert opinion about what I should do. You'll have to forgive the image quality; I don't have the good camera at home with me today and had to take these with my camcorder. Which will do in a pinch, but I have gotten a tad spoiled for the Canon from work. Anyway, you can see the fabric I'm planning to use to reupholster the seats. You can also see a glimpse of the icky fabric in the corner of the table pic. ICKY! Even ickier since my family got hold of it, as you can imagine.
Looking forward to hearing your opinion ...
Comments on the furniture in question (see post below)
Ooh... just to be difficult, what if you did first coat in a matching brown (to the material), then black on top and sanded it to shabby gorgeous chic-yness?
I picked up a nasty old coffee table from a yardsale for $10 and did a similar thing. I bought it because it was very solid and large, but it had marker stains and gum stuck to it (it used to be in my neighbor's play room). I was surprised by how incredibly GOOD it looked after I painted it (I'm not a big fan of the distressed look, but you could do that easily if you are). I've had several people ask if I got it at Restoration Hardware. And if the paint chips (I have 3 wild kids, so it does occasionally), I can touch up easily with black permanent marker.
I liked it so much I painted a second-hand piano to match. DO IT!! You'll love it.
Only real tip I have: use a primer, and go for a satin finish rather than hi-gloss (the gloss highlights flaws). Oh, and the little sponge paint rollers make the paint go on really smoothly.
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