Wednesday, March 08, 2006


So I decided to blog some important stuff tonight after all, since my skinny freak of a husband is at the gym and I'm all alone with my Coldplay. I'm mostly writing this for me. I'm happy to consider any advice and comments, but I'm not counting on finding a solution right now, so please don't feel like you have to find me one. I'm considering all this to be an experiment in which I do not yet have all the data. And it's just at a particularly mysterious and frustrating stage in its development.

A week ago tonight I started to believe in the impossible.

I was doing my standard prayer for eight or nine days past ovulation. "Well, Heavenly Father, I'm not expecting a lot, but if I could turn up pregnant this month ... well, if you wanted to make me really happy, you know what to do."

And I really had a transcendental experience. That burning in the bosom that I was drilling down into my heart looking for a week before thinking about different roads to adoption? There it was, when I was thinking in my usual self-conscious, mostly-dismissive, barely-hopeful way about a miracle pregnancy.

I never felt that way when we were actively trying to conceive. I never had a spiritual hope to cling to related to pregnancy. One of the hardest and best lessons I learned during that time was that real hope is anchored in only One Thing, in the Atonement of Christ. And yet, all these years after we hopped off that train, here was hope, tied to a very different idea.

Following that, of course, I found some physical symptoms to corroborate my feelings. I was giddy and serene at the same time. Friday I had the same spiritual impressions during my evening prayer. Add stunned to the list of feelings.

Saturday I worked up the guts to tell my husband, and that was not easy. When he got off the fertility train he cursed it and shook off the dust of his shoes with a few choice cuss words on the way out. I, on the other hand, have the train schedule tattooed on my uterus, so it's a little different. But he was good. He agreed that I should do a home pregnancy test.

And then suddenly I realized how absolutely terrified I felt. I've taken those tests before. I've never, ever passed. I could just imagine an emotional setback of ... oooh, eight years or so. Back to the bad, really bad days where I just wanted to sleep, only sleep, until I could wake up and find the whole nightmarish experience overwith. Kind of like a mild, chicken-crap version of suicidal. Some people reading this will understand how scary that was, and some will not. To me it was so scary that I stayed in bed most of the day Saturday.

At the same time I felt a kind of wonder, amazement that impossible things could really happen, and that we could know about them only through a spiritual witness. I thought to myself that I was really learning something important.

Sunday morning I took the test. Single line, same old story. Double failure, I started to bleed. Bonus! I wasn't even supposed to start until Tuesday! I stayed in bed most of the day Sunday. Oh, except for the part where I lost it in sacrament meeting. I'm so glad we sit in the back row!

Sunday afternoon I got tired of bed, and I got up and went to a dinner for some friends who are moving out of state. The cramps hit as soon as I sat down, and I grimaced through the evening.

Monday I stayed home from work and painted all day. That was therapeutic, just zoning out and painting. Yesterday and today I have been too busy to think or hurt. But my questions are not answered.

Would God really tell me something untrue? Would He jerk me around, crush my heart on purpose? And if so, why? A broken heart is open to His words, says the more spiritual part of me. Maybe now the other answers I've been yearning for will start to come.

At the same time, my dark side wonders, have I been mistaken all these years about the way I feel the Spirit? What about all the other impossible things I've been believing because of the way I felt? What if all those feelings are no more true than what I was feeling last week? Because I'll tell you what, they felt pretty much the same.


Deleen said...

Oh man, this post rips the heart out! I can't explain what you went through, but I really don't think God jerks us around.

I mean, I don't always get what He's doing, but I trust that He's not some twisted puppeteer.

But then, who am I to interpret such a huge trial for you?

I hope you find comfort.

Cheryl said...

This is not a very good analogy, but I thought it might help:

I was dating a great guy that I loved with all my heart. When I felt it was an appropriate time I prayed, very fervently, and asked Heavenly Father if he was "the one".

The answer was a lot like yours. I even remember where I was when it happened and I remember the feelings of joy seeping throughout my body.

We broke up 2 months later.

Fast-forward a year. I was now dating my DH and I was terrified to ask. Of course I did anyway, and the answer came in many ways, but the resounding lesson I learned was:

"When you asked last year about BF, the answer was 'yes you can, not yes you will'."

I realized, after I was married to DH, that my DH was 10 times better for me then that BF was --and had I married that BF, things would not have been as they should have been. I know that sounds like a cop-out, but hindsight is truly amazing.

I think the Lord sometimes gives us answers in different ways. Perhaps the impressions you recieved were meant to just comfort you. Who knows?

In any case, at least you know He is there and He's listening....

Unknown said...

Deleen and Cheryl, thanks to both of you. I'm still processing everything, although in a slightly more optimistic way since my hormones have calmed down. Anyway I do appreciate your feedback!

Tammy said...

I don't know Ana... I really don't. Even all my theological training can't answer this one. I too have had that experience of 'knowing for certain'. It's marked in my Bible the day I claimed his promise of a much-hoped-for pregnancy. I believed it with my whole heart. March 2002... thought I'd have a baby by Christmas. I was so certain, I tested on Easter morning, thinking what an amazing story this will be to tell. My cycles was even delayed causing so much more hope to flow in than usual. But nothing doing... it wasn't long until we gave up that dream.

I don't know Ana... all I know is MY Redeemer is faithful and true. What he says he will do. The problem is...sometimes we (now I speak to myself... believe me and I needn't say more... we are more sisters this month than you know, except I am still in the "wait" hoping... and here we are March again...what kind of glutton for punishment am I?) interpret what he is saying in the context of what we want to hear. I do this all the time and get hurt more often than I would like to admit.

I do believe that God was speaking to you. Lord knows, I long for those kind of experiences in my own life, for reassurance of his presence if nothing else. And I do believe it was about something hopeful and wonderful, something that you can't even imagine yet. And you might never make that connection until long from now, maybe ever. But I believe me naive, but I do.

(((hugs))) of hope for you today... thank you for sharing your life.