Friday, June 22, 2007

With a twist

Remember when every TV show and movie was advertised as having "a twist"? Yeah, I hated that. I tend to prefer a straight course. Plus if you know a twist is coming you can drive yourself nuts trying to figure out what is going to be.

But life is twisty lately. Here's the latest.

I talked with S (Z's bio mom) on the phone last night. She had a legit reason to call - there is all kinds of mixup about Z's birth certificate and SS card and basically to get either of those we need her shot record, and nobody will take photocopies. So I have to take her the real thing (don't worry, I will make a photocopy first so the doc's office can make a new record if needed).

Anyway, S said she is looking for a church. Before I knew what was coming out of my mouth I invited her to church with us, and she said okay. I think I am crazy for doing this in some ways (totally inviting her into our world) and yet I think it was the right thing to do. Plus it will save me from the misery of church without Z which was so sad last week.

This whole thing is going in a direction I never expected. It seems like I am becoming S's support system in some ways, and as much as it is not what I ever wanted to do I feel like it is the right thing for me to do. I feel like I am being swept away by it to some extent, yet not really scared or upset. It is so weird.

Ana learns again: It's not all about me and what I want. Bummer.


*Marie* said...

My heart is touched by you. When I placed my son for adoption (almost six years ago), I was the last person that his parents wanted to have anything to do with. Hearing you talk about being her "support system" is almost enough to heal my heart from the pain I experienced. I wanted so badly to see them as a family- healthy, happy, and together- and know for myself that I did the right thing. Instead of receiving the promised yearly picture and letter, I have been cut off completely. I know it is not your responsibility to help this girl in her healing process. But I also know that nothing will heal her heart more. I wish you faith and guidance in this situation.

Denise said...

I hope you're stocked up on Dramamine, Ana, because this sure doesn't seem like it's gonna be a smooth ride. But what an interesting, and kinda cool, development!

SalGal said...

Verrrrry interesting... what an unexpected turn! The more strange things I hear about this, the more it all seems obvious to me. (((hugs))) See you soon!

Mary said...

Did you change your email?
I just tried to sent you something and it didn't work.