Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Signs along the way

Last night G said to me, "I might wonder whether we're doing the right thing [referring to foster parenting], but everything is falling into place so easily, you kind of have to know." It's true.

Our class (which is boring but may get better) goes for six weeks. But we have this weekend off -- the weekend of the grape harvest at our welfare farm. And we have the last weekend in September off -- the weekend of my brother's wedding and General Conference. It's just too serendipitous.

We have been given (or are being given) most of the basic furniture we need to prepare a room. Headboards from the local freecycle group. A dresser from Sally. A cradle from Lisa. Even a new dresser for S and A from some friends in town.

Now I just have to get babysitting to fall into place for our CPR/First Aid classes tonight and tomorrow.


Lisa M. said...

I am so excited about the cradle. I have prayed and prayed for the right person to give it to.


I couldn't be happier.

And I LOVE it when things just fall into place.


Kristine said...

It's always a blessing to see the pieces fit so nicely. Just another "tender mercy" to help you know you are walking the right path. I am thrilled for you guys. Just waiting for the announcement!