Thursday, August 03, 2006

New tack

I've been kind of quiet about adoption plans for a while. I've been pondering this new path and now I think we are actually taking steps in that direction. So here's what's cooking.

I talked this morning to the foster family caseworker for our county. She said right now they are actually getting quite a lot of babies whom they cannot work to reunify with their birthfamilies (probably crime or drug issues if that is the case). There is still risk of loss involved -- I mean losing the child to its birthfamily -- but it is probably about the lowest risk you can get in the fost-adopt system for a young child.

So we are going to orientation on August 15. It will still be quite a process from that time, but I think we are headed down this path. It feels a lot more natural and right to me than the African adoption at this point. Also of course it has the added benefit of costing essentially nothing. I still hope to do the African adoption someday.

For those who have contributed to my adoption fund, I want you to know I plan to use my fund to outfit a room for our next child or children -- we may take two at a time if the right situation arises, and we are likely to need new furniture, clothing, car seats and so on. If anybody has sent me money and is not comfortable with that plan, please let me know. I have the funds set aside in a special account and can certainly do refunds. I have about $2100 saved up now and about $300 of that came from tutu sales and online friends.

That's the news ... I am starting to be excited about it but I also know this is no easy way to build your family. There will certainly be difficulties ahead. Actually there is no easy way to build your family, so, you know. I think this might be the right road, though.


SalGal said...

Sounds like a plan, Stan!

Bek said...


HOW COOL. I am home now so we need to talk and to get together.

I love the new plan and I support you all the way in whatever way you choose build your family...

Kristine said...

I just love the fact that you are following what you feel is right. It is so vital...even if it means amending your original plans.
Good luck!

Syd said...


Sounds awesome! I'm excited for you guys!! Good for you for following what you feel is the right path for your family. I would only hope that anyone that contributed to your fund would assume you would use it for the best path for your family, even if it isn't Africa right now. I know back in the day DH's family gave us some $ (they held a garage sale for us) for IVF and we turned it into an adoption fund and they were so cool about it, they just said it was for 'our family', however we chose to start it!! I can't wait to hear how it all unfolds!! Good Luck!


Lisa M. said...

Very very neat. I think I left a comment for you before, that let you in, on the fact that I am a huge believer in adoption.

This is a great way.

I so wish you the best, in your adventure.


Bek said...


You and I can go back to Africa next time, right? If anything, it opened the door for us to get the right child and you will get the right one too.

When are we going to meet?

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comments guys! I really appreciate the support.

Bek, let me know when you're back in CA and we will make a plan. I imagine I can still pay you that steal of a deal amount and get you to take some pics of my family, and help your Africa project? I hope?

Bek said...


I am back, but I am totally sleep deprived. :-) Three is killing me (why? I don't know).

I will take pix for you the beach post.

Anonymous said...

I hope this plan comes together for you quickly. There are so many children waiting for families and yours sounds like a wonderful home in which to grow up. Best wishes!!