Thursday, August 17, 2006

Freaky network

While we were away this weekend my little sis, the beautiful and talented Maywho (see blogroll) showed me her myspace blog. So I got a myspace account so I could comment. And then, lo and behold, there is like half my extended family, on myspace.

I don't know why this is freaking me out a little bit, but it is. Maybe because for very many years my online interactions have not involved this particular group of people. Maybe because I had a crazy illusion that they all had actual real lives that did not involve the internet so much. Huh, who knows.

Um, hi, fam-damnily!

Also new on the blogroll, my handsome brother T at Trappah Keepah, and my friend J at Remember When I Used to be Crazy who is one of the wittiest mothers-of-6 I know.

All you other fambly members, you start blogging and let me know; I'll blogroll you, too, if you want.


Anonymous said...

LOL I love my space! All my younger sibs and siblings-in law have them, great way to keep in touch! Check me out

Anonymous said...

I was talking to T today and he was just as freaked out, especially about a certian sister of our father. Yeah. We got some good laughs out of that one.