Tuesday, August 29, 2006

One of those days

Mental health days. You know the type.

I dropped off the kids, popped some laundry in the washer, went to the gym, took a long shower. Now it's a little more laundry, getting dressed, getting a haircut, getting the oil changed, doing some of my nesting-type shopping at Lowe's and Target (be quiet, I know all about the ethical issues with my big box stores, okay?) vacuuming the bedrooms, reorganizing the kids' clothes.

It is going to feel fantastic to get all this stuff done. Honestly, it would take me two weeks or more to get to all these errands and chores. You moms at home with kids in school, never ever forget how lucky you are. You are so lucky, so free.

Notice I did not say moms with toddlers and preschoolers at home. My memory is not entirely dysfunctional. Mental health is not what those days are about.


Kristine said...

You crack me up, Ana! I love the fact that you have a day for YOU. I hope you are finding lots of good stuff for the upcoming addition(s) in your life. Funny, I just automatically added the "s" there....hmmm...premonition???

Tandy said...

I totally remember how wonderful those days felt - the ones where my child was being cared for by someone else, I was able to sneak a day off and just get things done! It's unfortunate that life as a mommy doesn't allow you those days more often.

Good luck with all the exciting things ahead!