Monday, August 27, 2007

Nose in the paper

Tomorrow, that is. I think they are going to publish the letter. They called me today to confirm that I wrote it. I guess they maybe have had trouble with people writing bogus letters? That is kind of funny! I wonder who I could do that to? Not that I would ever do such a thing, of course.

In other news, I have thought of what I would do if I had money to burn. Well, one thing. Peruse and enjoy! I love this artist!

Today is the first day of classes on campus. I love the energy. I'm writing a ton for the faculty/staff newsletter today, so energy is an especially good thing!

I'm also feeling good because I got dinner in the crock pot before I left today. How nice if we can eat before soccer practice!

Oh yeah, I'm a soccer mom now. The big boys are having a blast and K was pining so I bought him a ball of his own. Want some tickets for a tri-tip fundraiser dinner? I can't believe this is me.

No word from S (Z's mom) this weekend. That surprised me a little bit and made me sad.


WatchMeLoseWeight said...

I'm sorry that you didn't hear from S. I'm thinking of you always...


SalGal said...

Curse you, aquascum!! I love that art! Also nearly wet myself with that Behind the Counter chick!!!

Sorry about S...

Kristine said...

It's a much needed letter do an excellent job getting your point across.
Bravo for speaking up!

Wishing things were different with S...and Z.