Thursday, July 05, 2007


Kids do not sleep well after fireworks, even if they have played in the river all day long.

This was yesterday's discovery. (I think Independence Day should be the first Saturday of every July. Is that sacrelige to say? A midweek holiday stinks in so many ways.)

K kept waking and crying. Poor little toot. I am gradually learning more about this kid. He is so darling, but clearly more aware of what is happening to him than he can express. I dread another transition for him. I still don't know when it will be.

When I talk to him about going to live with his grandma, he says, "No! You!"

Also, he cried at a Kool-Aid commercial with an African-American family. And cried when we passed an apartment complex. He misses his kidnappers, for heaven's sake. They were the only family he knew. What a mess.

1 comment:

Tandy said...

Oh my goodness, that breaks my heart.

You are amazing, Ana! I will pray for that sweet little boy. (and you!)