Thursday, December 14, 2006

Baby brother bully buster

When I dropped the kids off at school just now, I happened to notice a big kid -- maybe fourth grade -- with a little kid -- maybe first grade -- in some kind of upside-down head lock, shouting, "Drop it now!" Who knows what he wanted the kid to drop, but I was pretty sure this was not a regulation move.

I rolled down my window and yelled, "HEY!" All three froze and then looked up at the sleepy-looking mom in a hat driving the white minivan. You know, the crusader-for-justice stereotype.

The big kid's friend thought he'd explain the situation. "It's his brother," he said.

"You don't treat anyone like that, no matter who it is," I said.

They split. I felt like Spider-Man. Total hero.

I also felt good in another way, a little more twisted way, because although my boys fight, it's just not like that -- such an uneven distribution of power. My boys fight like friends.

That's weird, that I am proud of the way my kids fight.


SalGal said...

Ahh... the satisfaction of being a secret, neighborhood superhero! They opened a fantastic new park near here last year and it's got a very tall playing structure which the older kids like to hide in. And by hide in, I mean torture the little kids who want to go up to the top so they can go down the slide while cursing and spitting at people down below. Yeah.

We had a little talk, the big kids and I. They don't do this anymore.


WatchMeLoseWeight said...

Nope, I understand. I feel the same way about my kids, they argue and even sometimes yell, but in the end they always apologize and they almost never hurt one another (on purpose anyway). Good going White Hatinator!! Mothers around the world applaud you!

hi, it's me! melissa c said...

You go girl! I love it when people take the time to stand up for others! I hate bullies!

My kids usually fight well too but once in a while I do have to get after my oldest who is 4 years older than the next.

I have tried to teach them to be each other's protectors!