Thursday, May 10, 2007

Little boy birthday blues ... what would you do?

So I thought it would be so cool to get A a bike for his birthday, which is May 30. I found a great deal on one on Amazon and ordered it.

Well, they are dorks and sent it in its regular box and he saw it.

Now he is all sad because

1. He wants the bike right now
2. Everybody else in the family already has a bike and they didn't have to get it for their birthday to get it (make sense?)

I cannot afford to give him the bike for no reason and still buy him a different birthday present.

I could send the bike back, try to get a bike from Freecycle, and find him a different birthday present. I have no idea what else to get him, though. He is turning 6.

What would you do?


Anne said...

Well, my parents had to do something similar when they got J and C bikes for their birthday. Since their b-day is in September, they let them pick out their bikes in March (so they could have the 8 months to ride, instead of just 2 months) with the understanding that this was their present from gramma and grampa and that in September at their party, they would only be getting a card, as they already received a present from them. With a few explanations when they got the bikes, and a few reminders just before their party, they did just fine. I think they were about 5 or 6 as well.

Could you say something similar? "This is your birthday present, and that instead of opening it in 3 weeks, you can open it now. But, remember, at your birthday party, you won't be opening a present from Mom and Dad--only a card--because you got to open your present early." Then remind him again when it gets closer to celebration time.

Either that, or move the celebration up a few weeks if you can.

SalGal said...

I was going to say the same thing!