Thursday, March 29, 2007

It's nice to know

Your Celebrity Baby Name Is...

Laprincia Sonora

If I had been born to celebrities it was obviously going to be to an African American celebrity family, like maybe the Jacksons. I could have been a lot more famous but also a lot more messed up. If only they knew what they were missing when they decided not to have me, the darling LaPrincia.


SalGal said...

Peaches Honeyblossom, girlfriend!

I'm pretty sure I would've been born into the Osbornes.

Unknown said...

If only they knew how much they needed you to call them on all their CRAP!

Bek said...

That is the best one yet!! I wonder if you are related to Jermajisty Jackson (yes, a real name...).

Love it...