This photo must have been taken in 1957 or 1958. The young couple on the right -- my husband's parents, as it happens -- had eloped from their home in Montana when they were only eighteen. The young man had joined the Navy. They were living in San Francisco. The young man's very cultured and proper mother was ostensibly trying to accept her only son's choice of a bride, the beautiful, petite girl from the wrong side of the tracks with the difficult family background. You can see it in this photo. (Come closer, mom. No, son, I'm staying where I am, but I'll smile for the camera.)
I don't know whether the young couple had already lost their first baby, a preemie, or whether he was on the way. (If that baby were born today, he would almost certainly be able to survive. Amazing.) Either way, they still had so much ahead of them. College and graduate school, five living children and a move to Alaska. Ups and downs, battles.
But on this day the flowers were blooming in San Francisco and the clean white linens were blowing in the sea breeze. They were going to make a go of it.
I've got a few pictures like that myself, except my husband was never a sailor. A picture really is worth a thousand words, eh?
Thanks for the offer, I'd love to be considered for freelance work! Drop me a line at tresa @ tresaedmunds . com to tell me where to send some stuff.
What a small little blogger world! You live 1/2 an hour from me, are LDS, and feminist, and dealt with fertility issues. Crazy.
Thanks for sharing, Banana. The muffins turned out great, if a bit dry. I vote for 2/3 cup applesauce instead of 1/2.
See you tomorrow!
Or just use a little oil. Maybe a quarter cup oil and a quarter cup applesauce.
Thanks for that story Ana. I could share a very similar one, about myself and jared. Maybe I'll tell it to you when we visit :)
Just wanted you to know I read your blog all the time, and you were one of the inspirations for mine. (Isn't that nice to know?) I've actually got a question for you...can you e-mail me or pm me? Thanks,
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