Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Roll w/ it

I dream of having a perfect day.

This would be a day where I wake up on time feeling good, go exercise, have a shower with time to shave my legs. My kids wake up happy and dress themselves. They eat a good breakfast, so do I.

Up to this point, today was pretty perfect. Problem: it was only 7:55 a.m. The whole part about getting the kids safely to school, arriving at work and having a productive day ... never happened. Well, at least not on time. And for me, tardiness is a pretty large smear on the face of perfection.

One of the children, whose name I shall not name for fear that he will google me (or whatever the future equivalent of google is) when he's 13 and hate me forever, went into the bathroom at 7:55. And he did not come out. Constipation is a mean and ugly thing.

At 8:30 I finally told him I had to take his brother to school, and I would be right back. Which is bad. Neither of my children is old enough to be left home alone. But I didn't want the other one to get a tardy just because of his brother's bowel issues, know what I mean?

So, home alone. He was fine, didn't move his poor painful little hiney off the pot the entire time. After I got back he had a warm bath, a couple of prunes and some aloe juice. Yep, this is not the first time for this, sad to say. So I was prepared.

To make a long story short and a little less gross, I got to work about 10 a.m. Not too bad considering. But still a little late to make it a perfect day.

Sometimes you just have to let your dreams go, I guess.


Anonymous said...

I have Benefiber orange creme chewable tablets. I hate chewables. They're yours. Just have him take one or two every night before bed.
The usual dose is 1-3 tabs up to 3 times a day, so I'm thinking 2 before bed is good? Or, have him start taking his multivitamin before bed. That's what gets someone in this house going every morning. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

p.s. The tabs don't taste bad, I just don't like them.

Allison said...

I was complaining just yesterday that my kids poop more than any other kids ever. I don't think any of them have ever been constipated. I guess I won't wish for that anymore. It sounds awful.

(But know that the other side of the coin is really nasty -- I've had two kids with "toddler tummy," which is just diarrhea with no apparent cause, not due to illness, allergy, or sensitivity to anything we can identify. Yick.)