I am going to get my eyebrows professionally waxed for the first time ever at 4:30 this afternoon.
I am honestly trying not to be such a low-maintenance girl anymore. I am finding that in my 30s I just can't get away with it as easily as I did. You know, before my 30s.
Wish me luck!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Birthday salad
Three things are necessary for a good potato salad: good potatoes cooked well, a collection of yummy savory ingredients, and a dressing to blend it all together.
I happen to like the version where the savories are celery and pickles and eggs and the dressing is mayonnaise. Sally does not. So I made her this one, instead.
The potato salad with no mayonnaise
12 - 16 medium red potatoes, washed, trimmed and quartered
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp chopped fresh sage leaves (just because it's what I happened to have, but you can use other herbs. I'm also of the opinion that garlic is great in a salad like this!)
salt and pepper
Toss together and roast at 350 degrees until beginning to brown, about 45-60 minutes. Cool.
1/4 c olive oil
1/4 c vinegar of your choice (we used unprocessed cider vinegar; it is soooooo good for you)
1/4 a small red onion, diced very fine
A handful of each of the following: bacon pieces, pine nuts, parmesan cheese, chopped pepperoncini
Mix it all together with the potatoes. The longer it sits, the yummier it gets. And I would say it places you at only the very lowest risk for salmonella -- also a big plus for hot summer days and picnics.
I am now thinking some artichoke hearts would have been divine in this salad. Maybe next time.
Sally's cake this year was a lemon pound cake from Everyday Food. Appropriate since Sally got me my subscription. I love, love, love that magazine. But I can't find the recipe on their site. It will have to wait until another time.
Enjoy your potato salad!
I happen to like the version where the savories are celery and pickles and eggs and the dressing is mayonnaise. Sally does not. So I made her this one, instead.
The potato salad with no mayonnaise
12 - 16 medium red potatoes, washed, trimmed and quartered
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp chopped fresh sage leaves (just because it's what I happened to have, but you can use other herbs. I'm also of the opinion that garlic is great in a salad like this!)
salt and pepper
Toss together and roast at 350 degrees until beginning to brown, about 45-60 minutes. Cool.
1/4 c olive oil
1/4 c vinegar of your choice (we used unprocessed cider vinegar; it is soooooo good for you)
1/4 a small red onion, diced very fine
A handful of each of the following: bacon pieces, pine nuts, parmesan cheese, chopped pepperoncini
Mix it all together with the potatoes. The longer it sits, the yummier it gets. And I would say it places you at only the very lowest risk for salmonella -- also a big plus for hot summer days and picnics.
I am now thinking some artichoke hearts would have been divine in this salad. Maybe next time.
Sally's cake this year was a lemon pound cake from Everyday Food. Appropriate since Sally got me my subscription. I love, love, love that magazine. But I can't find the recipe on their site. It will have to wait until another time.
Enjoy your potato salad!

Today he is such a happy, easygoing, fun, affectionate kid. It's amazing all these years have gone by. Time does fly when you're a blessed mama!
Happy birthday to my little sweet potato.
May your next year of life hold great wonder and growth.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Reasons for the rules
There was a time when I had only one hard-and-fast household rule. This rule was as follows:
1. You must wear at least underwear at the dinner table.
Those were the days of triage parenting. You who have toddlers and preschoolers at home right now know what I am talking about.
Today we have more rules. The interesting part to me is to consider that every rule is made because someone pushed a little too far, things went horribly wrong and we had to set a boundary there. For instance:
2. No sticks in the house or car.
3. Biking and scootering may not be done barefoot. And wear a gol-durn helmet.
4. After being tucked into bed, you get one last request. More than that earns a freak-out from Mom.
5. You may not go outside in socks unless you are also wearing shoes.
6. Close the #$&*! door!
7. No bugs in the house. Not even in a jar.
8. Stay out of the food coloring.
9. No scissors, Game Boys, or toy airplanes at church.
10. Bathing, complete with shampoo and scrubbing, must occur at least three times a week. An adult must supervise the use of any liquid soap products.
11. You may dig only in the specified dirt area. Not in the grass. Even if you are looking for ants.
12. Children must not use eBay.
13. No toys in the washing machine. Or the dryer.
14. The ability to ride a bicycle does not equate to total freedom. Stay in the neighborhood.
15. Almost 8 is still not old enough to drive.
16. Almost 6 is still not old enough to carry a baby across a tile floor.
17. You may not walk through a closed screen door, even if it is already ripped a little bit.
18. No spray paint, ever, ever, ever. Especially not on the new landscape boulder in the neighbor's yard.
19. A power drill is not an earth moving tool. (Wah! My beloved drill!)
20. All is forgiven any time you use these words:
a. Good morning
b. Thank you
c. Okay, Mom
d. I hope you had a good day, Mom
e. I love you
1. You must wear at least underwear at the dinner table.
Those were the days of triage parenting. You who have toddlers and preschoolers at home right now know what I am talking about.
Today we have more rules. The interesting part to me is to consider that every rule is made because someone pushed a little too far, things went horribly wrong and we had to set a boundary there. For instance:
2. No sticks in the house or car.
3. Biking and scootering may not be done barefoot. And wear a gol-durn helmet.
4. After being tucked into bed, you get one last request. More than that earns a freak-out from Mom.
5. You may not go outside in socks unless you are also wearing shoes.
6. Close the #$&*! door!
7. No bugs in the house. Not even in a jar.
8. Stay out of the food coloring.
9. No scissors, Game Boys, or toy airplanes at church.
10. Bathing, complete with shampoo and scrubbing, must occur at least three times a week. An adult must supervise the use of any liquid soap products.
11. You may dig only in the specified dirt area. Not in the grass. Even if you are looking for ants.
12. Children must not use eBay.
13. No toys in the washing machine. Or the dryer.
14. The ability to ride a bicycle does not equate to total freedom. Stay in the neighborhood.
15. Almost 8 is still not old enough to drive.
16. Almost 6 is still not old enough to carry a baby across a tile floor.
17. You may not walk through a closed screen door, even if it is already ripped a little bit.
18. No spray paint, ever, ever, ever. Especially not on the new landscape boulder in the neighbor's yard.
19. A power drill is not an earth moving tool. (Wah! My beloved drill!)
20. All is forgiven any time you use these words:
a. Good morning
b. Thank you
c. Okay, Mom
d. I hope you had a good day, Mom
e. I love you
House and home,
Moaning and complaining
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Some guys
- Orlando Bloom: much more attractive as a dirty pirate than as a blond elf. With a big old scar on him, even better. Surprising myself by liking him more after seeing Pirates 3. Hope I didn't give anything away there for those who haven't seen it yet.
- Johnny Depp: at his hottest in Chocolat, but funniest in Pirates, of course. (Although I think Jack's alcoholism is getting the better of everyone, including the writers, at this point.)
- Hugh Laurie: knighted last week, and I forgot he was in Sense and Sensibility! I had to watch it again. He was, of course, brilliant.
- Ari Hest: have I mentioned my new music crush? Some people might be getting sick of me telling them to listen to Ari Hest. But really, you should listen to some Ari Hest.
- G: still a way better housekeeper than I am, and hotter than all these guys put together. Too bad for all you other ladies.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Body miraculous
There's a great conversation about body image over at FMH. In a comment I wrote that I think I am not very well connected to my body. I live in my brain a lot. I don't think that's particularly good.
I don't usually notice, for example, whether eating too much fat, sugar and salt really makes me feel bad. When people say they feel bloated and uncomfortable, I don't really know what that means. I think I do have a pretty stalwart digestive system -- otherwise I wouldn't be able to ignore my poor choices. I'm sure that's a blessing I am taking for granted, though I do try to make healthful choices most of the time.
Failing to exercise doesn't generally bother me. Sometimes it does guilt-wise, but as far as just how my body feels, I really don't notice much difference. Frankly it is a miracle I am not much, much chubbier than I already am.
I am supremely uncoordinated. Can't dance to save my life. You really do not want me on your team for anything where you are supposed to connect with a ball, puck, net, goal, whatever. I am pretty klutzy in general. Yet I have never had a broken bone -- I think I just have a solid frame. Another blessing I take far too much for granted.
I am a poor swimmer mainly because my breathing is uncoordinated. I tend to choke easily. I have a very mild asthma which is no fun, but manageable. When I got that diagnosis I was told I actually have undersized bronchial tubes. Interesting, huh? I wonder if those mini-pipes contribute to my soprano voice.
Anyway, related to my klutziness and general absent-mindedness, yesterday I thought I would make some granola while I was working at home. I am trying to use up the last of a huge bag of organic rolled oats I bought a couple of years ago, and I happened to have some almonds and pepitas I wanted to mix in with them for a crunchy treat to go on top of my yogurt. Granola takes a long time to bake and I thought it would be a good way to multitask.
The short version of the story is, I grabbed a hot pan for no reason at all. I burned my thumb and first two fingers on my left hand. I heard the skin sizzle and immediately chided myself for being so stupid.
The thing is, it wasn't exactly stupidity. It was disconnectedness. My brain was someplace away from what I was physically doing. Not to get all new-agey on you or anything, but if I had really been present in that moment, it wouldn't have happened.
I spent the entire afternoon icing my fingers, in between changing diarrhea diapers on a teething baby, picking up kids from daycare, making dinner, nursing a skinned elbow on A, and picking up after little slobs. There was so much I couldn't do. I didn't clean up the kitchen -- couldn't bear the thought of warm water at all. I took a lot of ibuprofen and aspirin, alternating; I was hurting quite a bit. It certainly made me appreciate my normal state of having two healthy and functional hands.
(G, by the way, is up in Yosemite until tonight. So no helper for me. The kids try, but let's be real. Love them madly though I may, help from them is a hindrance. Won't G be thrilled to come home and see the kitchen!?)
Most miraculous, though, when I woke up this morning, the pain was gone. I mean gone, gone. It doesn't hurt at all anymore. Overnight my body did a tremendous amount of healing. Yesterday I hurt. Today I don't. Yesterday I was temporarily disabled. Today I can do everything. Well, except for swimming and playing soccer and all the things I normally can't really do anyway because I am klutzy and whatever. That is an amazing thing.
I wonder what would help me be more connected to my body. Maybe yoga. Maybe more than six hours of sleep. What do you think?
I don't usually notice, for example, whether eating too much fat, sugar and salt really makes me feel bad. When people say they feel bloated and uncomfortable, I don't really know what that means. I think I do have a pretty stalwart digestive system -- otherwise I wouldn't be able to ignore my poor choices. I'm sure that's a blessing I am taking for granted, though I do try to make healthful choices most of the time.
Failing to exercise doesn't generally bother me. Sometimes it does guilt-wise, but as far as just how my body feels, I really don't notice much difference. Frankly it is a miracle I am not much, much chubbier than I already am.
I am supremely uncoordinated. Can't dance to save my life. You really do not want me on your team for anything where you are supposed to connect with a ball, puck, net, goal, whatever. I am pretty klutzy in general. Yet I have never had a broken bone -- I think I just have a solid frame. Another blessing I take far too much for granted.
I am a poor swimmer mainly because my breathing is uncoordinated. I tend to choke easily. I have a very mild asthma which is no fun, but manageable. When I got that diagnosis I was told I actually have undersized bronchial tubes. Interesting, huh? I wonder if those mini-pipes contribute to my soprano voice.
Anyway, related to my klutziness and general absent-mindedness, yesterday I thought I would make some granola while I was working at home. I am trying to use up the last of a huge bag of organic rolled oats I bought a couple of years ago, and I happened to have some almonds and pepitas I wanted to mix in with them for a crunchy treat to go on top of my yogurt. Granola takes a long time to bake and I thought it would be a good way to multitask.
The short version of the story is, I grabbed a hot pan for no reason at all. I burned my thumb and first two fingers on my left hand. I heard the skin sizzle and immediately chided myself for being so stupid.
The thing is, it wasn't exactly stupidity. It was disconnectedness. My brain was someplace away from what I was physically doing. Not to get all new-agey on you or anything, but if I had really been present in that moment, it wouldn't have happened.
I spent the entire afternoon icing my fingers, in between changing diarrhea diapers on a teething baby, picking up kids from daycare, making dinner, nursing a skinned elbow on A, and picking up after little slobs. There was so much I couldn't do. I didn't clean up the kitchen -- couldn't bear the thought of warm water at all. I took a lot of ibuprofen and aspirin, alternating; I was hurting quite a bit. It certainly made me appreciate my normal state of having two healthy and functional hands.
(G, by the way, is up in Yosemite until tonight. So no helper for me. The kids try, but let's be real. Love them madly though I may, help from them is a hindrance. Won't G be thrilled to come home and see the kitchen!?)
Most miraculous, though, when I woke up this morning, the pain was gone. I mean gone, gone. It doesn't hurt at all anymore. Overnight my body did a tremendous amount of healing. Yesterday I hurt. Today I don't. Yesterday I was temporarily disabled. Today I can do everything. Well, except for swimming and playing soccer and all the things I normally can't really do anyway because I am klutzy and whatever. That is an amazing thing.
I wonder what would help me be more connected to my body. Maybe yoga. Maybe more than six hours of sleep. What do you think?
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Salad for nothin', chicken for free
When we were up in Angels Camp with my parents last weekend, my mom told me she hardly grocery shops anymore unless someone forces her.
"I can pretty much always find something to eat," she said.
This was amusing to me, because my memory includes long stretches of her being out grocery shopping. I swear it used to take her three hours to get the shopping done each week. I never understood this until I became a mom and realized exactly how blissful it can be to wander the aisles all by yourself. Even now that I am not at home full time, I regularly take an extra hour or so to peruse the clearance shelves at Target. I find the best stuff there!
Anyway, coming back around to my original point, I think I have inherited my mom's gift for being able to make a meal out of nothing. This is a good gift to have. We came home from our trip Tuesday night and although the fridge looked pretty empty, I have not yet had to go shopping.
Here's what I made for lunch today, out of bits and pieces of different stuff I found in the corners of the fridge and cupboards. Don't gross out; I didn't use anything rotten. The chicken was fresh.
Chinese Chicken Salad From Thin Air
Whatever lettuce you have left in the fridge (I had maybe 1/2 cup)
1 stalk celery, sliced on the diagonal
1 carrot, sliced on the diagonal
About 1/2 c raw broccoli florets
About 1/4 c chopped almonds
About 1 tsp pickled ginger shreds
About 1 tsp chopped fresh cilantro
1/2 of a cooked chicken breast
2 tbsp Soy Vay sesame dressing
Toss it all together. It's a lovely magical lunch for one.
(By the way, a kid from our ward just stopped by to tell us he got his mission call to Tokyo! Super cool! It gave me chills!)
"I can pretty much always find something to eat," she said.
This was amusing to me, because my memory includes long stretches of her being out grocery shopping. I swear it used to take her three hours to get the shopping done each week. I never understood this until I became a mom and realized exactly how blissful it can be to wander the aisles all by yourself. Even now that I am not at home full time, I regularly take an extra hour or so to peruse the clearance shelves at Target. I find the best stuff there!
Anyway, coming back around to my original point, I think I have inherited my mom's gift for being able to make a meal out of nothing. This is a good gift to have. We came home from our trip Tuesday night and although the fridge looked pretty empty, I have not yet had to go shopping.
Here's what I made for lunch today, out of bits and pieces of different stuff I found in the corners of the fridge and cupboards. Don't gross out; I didn't use anything rotten. The chicken was fresh.
Chinese Chicken Salad From Thin Air
Whatever lettuce you have left in the fridge (I had maybe 1/2 cup)
1 stalk celery, sliced on the diagonal
1 carrot, sliced on the diagonal
About 1/2 c raw broccoli florets
About 1/4 c chopped almonds
About 1 tsp pickled ginger shreds
About 1 tsp chopped fresh cilantro
1/2 of a cooked chicken breast
2 tbsp Soy Vay sesame dressing
Toss it all together. It's a lovely magical lunch for one.
(By the way, a kid from our ward just stopped by to tell us he got his mission call to Tokyo! Super cool! It gave me chills!)
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Golden weekend
Just pics to show you some of the fun we had.

Sam and Abe at Calaveras Big Trees State Park

One of them thar big trees

Princess Chub, adequately disguised, I think

The goofiest darn miner you ever saw at the Columbia Museum

Sam and Grandpa do some spatial-type brain work in the blacksmith's shop
It was hard to come home.

Sam and Abe at Calaveras Big Trees State Park

One of them thar big trees

Princess Chub, adequately disguised, I think

The goofiest darn miner you ever saw at the Columbia Museum

Sam and Grandpa do some spatial-type brain work in the blacksmith's shop
It was hard to come home.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Spicy slow-cooked pork with mae ploy
I still have a big old tub of mae ploy red curry paste. Before it completely rots, I am experimenting with it a bit.
Just kidding. I don't think it can rot. It is pretty spicy.
Anyway yesterday I made this and it was yum, yum, yummy. With a slow cooked pork roast you pretty much can't go wrong.
Spicy slow-cooked pork with red curry paste (mae ploy)
1 pork loin roast, about 2 pounds, brined (check Costco for these at a great price)
2 tbsp mae ploy red curry paste
1/2 c raisins
3 c steamed vegetables
6 c steamed jasmine rice
Rinse pork loin roast and pat dry. Rub curry paste into outside of roast. Marinate overnight in the fridge if you have time. If not, just plop it in the Crock Pot. Cook on low for 8 hours. Shred with two forks and return to juices in pot along with raisins. Stir.
Layer in a nice big bowl: rice, veggies, and shredded pork and raisins. Garnish with cilantro if desired. Maybe some yogurt would also be good. It makes about 6 hearty servings.
If you want fewer carbs and calories, reverse the proportions of the veggies and rice. The pork loin roast is actually quite lean, so this is a pretty healthful dish. Not to mention tasty. The curry paste and raisins are really deep flavors, which is great for crock pot cooking -- it is often too bland for me. Not this stuff.
I am about to go eat some leftovers right now.
Just kidding. I don't think it can rot. It is pretty spicy.
Anyway yesterday I made this and it was yum, yum, yummy. With a slow cooked pork roast you pretty much can't go wrong.
Spicy slow-cooked pork with red curry paste (mae ploy)
1 pork loin roast, about 2 pounds, brined (check Costco for these at a great price)
2 tbsp mae ploy red curry paste
1/2 c raisins
3 c steamed vegetables
6 c steamed jasmine rice
Rinse pork loin roast and pat dry. Rub curry paste into outside of roast. Marinate overnight in the fridge if you have time. If not, just plop it in the Crock Pot. Cook on low for 8 hours. Shred with two forks and return to juices in pot along with raisins. Stir.
Layer in a nice big bowl: rice, veggies, and shredded pork and raisins. Garnish with cilantro if desired. Maybe some yogurt would also be good. It makes about 6 hearty servings.
If you want fewer carbs and calories, reverse the proportions of the veggies and rice. The pork loin roast is actually quite lean, so this is a pretty healthful dish. Not to mention tasty. The curry paste and raisins are really deep flavors, which is great for crock pot cooking -- it is often too bland for me. Not this stuff.
I am about to go eat some leftovers right now.
Commencing today
We graduated 71 bachelors and 4 masters today at our baby hotshot university under sunny skies on the quad. It was gorgeous. I am so sentimental; I got all teary-eyed. Leaving are many of the students who came in as junior-level transfers when we opened in 2005 -- kids I have gotten to know pretty well -- my intern, the student body president and others. Now I am going to have to meet a whole new group of students to go to when I need stuff. Bummer for me. But I am so excited for these smart, hardworking young people.
Imagine what an emotional spectacle I am going to be in a year when G gets his Ph.D. (No pressure, G. HAHA ...)
G and I were talking with my vice chancellor at the reception afterward. He said, "You're not going to get a faculty position somewhere else and take Ana away, are you?"
I said, "That depends on how good my position is!"
He seemed ... open to considering. It was all very informal and jovial. But ... hm. Maybe it's time to get serious about getting myself reclassified (that is university system speak for promoted).
At the same time, I really do think if they get a good media or communications professor in this summer I might think about getting a graduate degree myself.
On a day like today, anything seems possible.
P.S.: I added some lists on the right sidebar so you can see stuff I am nerding on lately as far as music, books and food. Honestly, what else is there?
Imagine what an emotional spectacle I am going to be in a year when G gets his Ph.D. (No pressure, G. HAHA ...)
G and I were talking with my vice chancellor at the reception afterward. He said, "You're not going to get a faculty position somewhere else and take Ana away, are you?"
I said, "That depends on how good my position is!"
He seemed ... open to considering. It was all very informal and jovial. But ... hm. Maybe it's time to get serious about getting myself reclassified (that is university system speak for promoted).
At the same time, I really do think if they get a good media or communications professor in this summer I might think about getting a graduate degree myself.
On a day like today, anything seems possible.
P.S.: I added some lists on the right sidebar so you can see stuff I am nerding on lately as far as music, books and food. Honestly, what else is there?
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Cheechako kids go north
I did it! We are going to Alaska in August! Thanks to some creative booking and help from G's dad's frequent flier miles, we will get 4 people from Sacramento to Fairbanks for just under $1900. That is really, really cheap. And if we take Z on our laps it will be 5 people for that amount!
I am so excited for my boys to see Alaska, which is where their daddy grew up and where I met him. All the stuff I said before ... plus biking on Farmer's Loop, hiking at Granite Tors, playing at Alaskaland, ice cream at Hot Licks, sandwiches at Bun on the Run (please still be there, Bun on the Run ...), fireweed and bluebells, foxes on Chena Ridge -- so many fun things.
G reminded me that we will be there for our 14th wedding anniversary on August 6. We were also there for our 1st anniversary in 1994. We went picnicking and swimming (!!!) at the Chatanika River. So gorgeous. I think of it every time we are up at Briceburg near where we live now to play and swim in the river.
(S originally thought we were saying Price Burger when we headed up there the first time. He was so disappointed that there were no french fries! He was only 5 then ... so long ago!)
By the way, I have no idea how you really spell cheechako, but that is the Alaska slur for a lower-48er. Someone unwise to the ways of the frozen north. Not that August will really initiate the kids, but it's a start. And I'm certainly not planning to expose them to 60-below with ice fog anytime soon.
In other news, I took Z for portraits at Sears today with her biological mom and older half-sister. We got some darn cute ones. And that indignant scream-squawk-squeal in the video below ... might make ME start doing drugs if she keeps it up. It was cute at first, but OH ... my gosh.
I am so excited for my boys to see Alaska, which is where their daddy grew up and where I met him. All the stuff I said before ... plus biking on Farmer's Loop, hiking at Granite Tors, playing at Alaskaland, ice cream at Hot Licks, sandwiches at Bun on the Run (please still be there, Bun on the Run ...), fireweed and bluebells, foxes on Chena Ridge -- so many fun things.
G reminded me that we will be there for our 14th wedding anniversary on August 6. We were also there for our 1st anniversary in 1994. We went picnicking and swimming (!!!) at the Chatanika River. So gorgeous. I think of it every time we are up at Briceburg near where we live now to play and swim in the river.
(S originally thought we were saying Price Burger when we headed up there the first time. He was so disappointed that there were no french fries! He was only 5 then ... so long ago!)
By the way, I have no idea how you really spell cheechako, but that is the Alaska slur for a lower-48er. Someone unwise to the ways of the frozen north. Not that August will really initiate the kids, but it's a start. And I'm certainly not planning to expose them to 60-below with ice fog anytime soon.
In other news, I took Z for portraits at Sears today with her biological mom and older half-sister. We got some darn cute ones. And that indignant scream-squawk-squeal in the video below ... might make ME start doing drugs if she keeps it up. It was cute at first, but OH ... my gosh.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
That was way scary
So, we are trying to work out this plan to go to Alaska in August for the wedding of G's baby sister. If you have ever tried to do this, you know it is the very darn best best time of year to go there, and thus the flights are crowded and expensive.
We figured we would be okay to brave that by pulling some frequent flier miles from my in-laws' Alaska Airlines account to pay for two of the tickets.
Well, those Alaska Airlines people really scared me.
They told G's dad that if we were going to pay for flights with frequent flier miles, we would have to leave Sacramento at 7 PM (which would mean leaving our town well before 4 PM and braving nasty traffic on the scary state highway headed north), get to Anchorage at 1 AM, stay in a hotel, and leave for Fairbanks in the morning.
Then, coming home, we would have to leave Fairbanks at 1 AM, fly to Seattle, stay there all day, then come home late late late at night.
All this with at least two little kids, possibly also a baby -- who knows whether we will be able to take Z with us? And school starts the day after we get home. Can you see why my head hurts?
Not to mention, they told him they were going to charge him in the neighborhood of $400 to transfer his frequent flier miles to our account.
Anyway, there's a happy ending.
We found out that if you use the miles to reduce the price of each ticket instead of paying for a whole ticket with miles, you can essentially get on any flight you darn well please.
So we are getting our ideal itinerary for about 70% of the price, instead of a godawful nightmare of an itinerary for 50% of the price. I'll take that.
They can also just spend the miles out of his account instead of making him pay to transfer them. Why do you think they told me that, and not him? I suspect it's because I'm super sweet on the phone. You should have heard my Relief Society voice. It was awesome.
I suspect the in-laws may still chip in a bit, especially since I am saving them 400 buckaroos with my syrupy lovely phone voice. That would be nice. But even if they didn't, I am really excited for this trip.
We figured we would be okay to brave that by pulling some frequent flier miles from my in-laws' Alaska Airlines account to pay for two of the tickets.
Well, those Alaska Airlines people really scared me.
They told G's dad that if we were going to pay for flights with frequent flier miles, we would have to leave Sacramento at 7 PM (which would mean leaving our town well before 4 PM and braving nasty traffic on the scary state highway headed north), get to Anchorage at 1 AM, stay in a hotel, and leave for Fairbanks in the morning.
Then, coming home, we would have to leave Fairbanks at 1 AM, fly to Seattle, stay there all day, then come home late late late at night.
All this with at least two little kids, possibly also a baby -- who knows whether we will be able to take Z with us? And school starts the day after we get home. Can you see why my head hurts?
Not to mention, they told him they were going to charge him in the neighborhood of $400 to transfer his frequent flier miles to our account.
Anyway, there's a happy ending.
We found out that if you use the miles to reduce the price of each ticket instead of paying for a whole ticket with miles, you can essentially get on any flight you darn well please.
So we are getting our ideal itinerary for about 70% of the price, instead of a godawful nightmare of an itinerary for 50% of the price. I'll take that.
They can also just spend the miles out of his account instead of making him pay to transfer them. Why do you think they told me that, and not him? I suspect it's because I'm super sweet on the phone. You should have heard my Relief Society voice. It was awesome.
I suspect the in-laws may still chip in a bit, especially since I am saving them 400 buckaroos with my syrupy lovely phone voice. That would be nice. But even if they didn't, I am really excited for this trip.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Better days
So I used to be in the club where you bawl through sacrament meeting on Mother's Day -- occasionally running out of the chapel to sob in the bathroom -- and then gripe about it later. You know, the IHMD (I Hate Mother's Day) Club. It overlaps with the BIW (Bitter Infertile Woman) Club, to which I still sometimes subscribe occasionally.
Here is what helped:
Here is what helped:
- A bishop who kept his eyes on me throughout sacrament meeting with a really compassionate, concerned look. This might seem weird. It was not weird. It was really nice. (Sally, it was Bishop W. Wasn't he the bestest!?)
- People acknowledging that the day sucks for a lot of people, and mentioning some situations specifically, including mine (infertility).
- Um, adopting kids. Just being really honest here. It's true what they say about adopting not taking away all the pain of infertility. But it does pretty much take away the pain of being excluded from the Mom Club.
- Focusing on my own mom, who is wonderful (lucky me, I know).
- Giving myself permission to ditch church on Mother's Day, then realizing that I didn't really want to ditch church. Helps to remember why you're there.
- Learning to be gracious about accepting a tribute to all women on Mother's Day.
- Realizing that motherhood is way, way bigger than me and my personal pain. See post below.
- Talks that focus more on doctrine, symbolism, appreciation ... anything but lectures from men about how to be a better mother.
- Laying off the emphasis on pregnancy, birth and nursing. Again, just being really honest here. That's a club I'm still not in. And I can't see how it's the biggest defining experience of motherhood. It's maybe 2 years of experience for most people, compared with a lifetime of nurturing, teaching and so on that makes up the rest of motherhood.
- Keeping the GA quotes about motherhood to the last 5 years. Come on, there's plenty. We don't have to go back to teachings that have been softened or even contradicted by current and official doctrine (meaning in this case, recent teachings from the Conference pulpit).
- More, more, more about the inherent power of righteous women. More about the good women can do in the name of Christ both inside and outside the home. This is the kind of positive encouragement I need and love.
- Breakfast in bed, albeit served on the dusty tray that usually holds DVDs that we need to put back in their cases. Gotta love it.
- Handmade cards and gifts from little boys who are finally old enough to be unselfish on a special day.
- A talk from a young man in our ward who gave the example of when Sariah murmured, then pointed out that she was concerned about the safety of her children and remained a faithful and righteous woman. He was awfully young to have thought of this on his own, and I suspect his mom's assistance. Good for her, because I have always worried about Sariah getting a bad rap.
- My kids singing.
- Young men singing.
- Singing with the young women.
- A gift from the bishopric that wasn't messy, fattening, or prone to wilt or die.
- Attending Relief Society along with our Young Women and hearing a few of them pay tribute to their wonderful moms (and hearing some very funny stuff from a mom of grown kids -- e.g. the story about her daughter crying about getting a sewing machine for Christmas, so upset that the parents actually switched the gift for a shotgun, which made said daughter much happier. Quote: "So when things get really bad and we have to go back to Missouri, make sure you're traveling with B!")
- A really long, luxurious nap.
- A really sweet letter from G, who has learned at last that I don't need fancy presents, I just need to know that I am thought of and cared for. Really, if you can make any woman in the world feel that on Mother's Day, she will have a darn good day.
Churchy stuff,
Occasional deep thoughts
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Mother's Day Revisited
I am so lazy and spoiled this Mother's Day that I am just resurrecting last year's Mother's Day post ...
Happy Mothers' Day
My apostrophe placement is intentional! Happy day to all the mothers.
Happy day to the moms exhausted from yesterday's beach escapades (SalGal and me), to the moms who have been up with sick kids all night, to the moms who are sick themselves. To the moms who take joy in their motherly calling. To the moms who think they stink at mothering and sometimes wonder if their kids would be better off without them. Happy day to the perfect moms, wherever you are, and to the moms who sometimes yell and sometimes spank and sometimes run away and drive around for hours. Happy day to the moms who are dying to leave the house, and to the moms who just wish they could be home. Happy day to the moms who won't go home from Mutual or Enrichment until after 9 p.m., because they just can't face the battle of putting their kids to bed yet again. Happy day to the moms who love to read aloud, to the moms who do PTA, to the moms who let their kids cook with them, and to the moms who hate and despise any or all of those mom-ly activities.
Happy day to the moms of missionaries and members of the armed forces. Happy day to the moms whose children are grown and gone. Happy day to the moms who can't get the darn kids out of the house. Happy day to the grandmas, God bless them forever.
Happy day to the moms whose children are only dreams, who have waited and prayed and administered shots and been let down over and over. Happy day to the moms whose dreams have finally come true and to the moms who are almost ready to give up dreaming.
Happy day to the moms who never planned to be moms so young, so poor or so alone. Happy day to the moms courageous enough to place their babies in other families where they will find stability. Happy day to the moms who will choose to parent their children themselves, anyway.
Happy day to the aunties, the doctors and nurses, the Primary teachers, the daycare providers, the schoolteachers, the dear neighbors and friends without whom the work of mothering would be nearly impossible, at least for me.
Happy day, if it's possible, to the moms whose children have died, who know they will never be the same again and have to live with that loss every day. And to the moms whose children are struggling enough that they sometimes wonder if losing them completely might be easier.
Happy Mothers' Day to all the mothers. Motherhood is not just the most important job in the world; it's a calling from God. Motherhood is more than an occupation; it's part of who you are, and that is true for any woman in any circumstance. Motherhood transcends what you do each day, whether that is changing diapers or changing this world. "Mother" is one half of the title of the goddess who exemplifies what you will become. May your Mothers' Day reflect the other half of that title -- the Heavenly.
Happy Mothers' Day
My apostrophe placement is intentional! Happy day to all the mothers.
Happy day to the moms exhausted from yesterday's beach escapades (SalGal and me), to the moms who have been up with sick kids all night, to the moms who are sick themselves. To the moms who take joy in their motherly calling. To the moms who think they stink at mothering and sometimes wonder if their kids would be better off without them. Happy day to the perfect moms, wherever you are, and to the moms who sometimes yell and sometimes spank and sometimes run away and drive around for hours. Happy day to the moms who are dying to leave the house, and to the moms who just wish they could be home. Happy day to the moms who won't go home from Mutual or Enrichment until after 9 p.m., because they just can't face the battle of putting their kids to bed yet again. Happy day to the moms who love to read aloud, to the moms who do PTA, to the moms who let their kids cook with them, and to the moms who hate and despise any or all of those mom-ly activities.
Happy day to the moms of missionaries and members of the armed forces. Happy day to the moms whose children are grown and gone. Happy day to the moms who can't get the darn kids out of the house. Happy day to the grandmas, God bless them forever.
Happy day to the moms whose children are only dreams, who have waited and prayed and administered shots and been let down over and over. Happy day to the moms whose dreams have finally come true and to the moms who are almost ready to give up dreaming.
Happy day to the moms who never planned to be moms so young, so poor or so alone. Happy day to the moms courageous enough to place their babies in other families where they will find stability. Happy day to the moms who will choose to parent their children themselves, anyway.
Happy day to the aunties, the doctors and nurses, the Primary teachers, the daycare providers, the schoolteachers, the dear neighbors and friends without whom the work of mothering would be nearly impossible, at least for me.
Happy day, if it's possible, to the moms whose children have died, who know they will never be the same again and have to live with that loss every day. And to the moms whose children are struggling enough that they sometimes wonder if losing them completely might be easier.
Happy Mothers' Day to all the mothers. Motherhood is not just the most important job in the world; it's a calling from God. Motherhood is more than an occupation; it's part of who you are, and that is true for any woman in any circumstance. Motherhood transcends what you do each day, whether that is changing diapers or changing this world. "Mother" is one half of the title of the goddess who exemplifies what you will become. May your Mothers' Day reflect the other half of that title -- the Heavenly.
Churchy stuff,
Occasional deep thoughts
Thursday, May 10, 2007
A stuff list
I just have to do these lists every once in a while to get it out of my system. Be patient with me. (Boy, I go through a slow spot for a while and then all my blogging energy just comes spewing forth ...)
Here's what's cool in my world lately.
Here's what's cool in my world lately.
- Jack FM. Today I have heard Aerosmith, the Pet Shop Boys, Bruce Springsteen, New Order, Concrete Blonde and Journey. It's possible I will get sick of this station. But it seems unlikely. It's also hilarious that they make a big deal about not taking requests and this whole bad attitude thing. Very fun. Play me some good old Elvis Costello and I'm yours forever, Jack. But you know, only if you want to.
- Pound Plus dark Belgian chocolate from Trader Joe's. I bought it on Sunday. But I was traveling, and I was buying dinner anyway, and I don't get to TJ's that often. Trader Joe's, are you listening? We need you in my town. Get in while the getting is good!
- Jarlsberg cheese for $3.50/pound at Costco. I used this to make a delectable quiche for my girlfriends in Park City last weekend. I swear it made all the difference in the world. It was dang good, if I do say so.
- While we are on the subject of Costco, let's talk about those ginormous bags of pine nuts. The price is really incredible -- I can't remember exactly how much they cost but I am sure it was between $10 and $12. And you sprinkle some on your grilled chicken or veggies, maybe along with some Parmesan cheese and/or capers, and suddenly it is all oh so gourmet.
- The new pomegranate smoothie at Jamba Juice. Yummy, yummy, cool and smooth. It is so hot here already. Jamba is my favorite summertime lunch.
- The disposable baby spoons now made by The First Years. Seriously, such a good idea, and so much cheaper than buying new regular baby spoons, since I cannot find the once I used for the boys to save my life. And also, those were all stained with sweet potatoes and stuff.
- Family Web sites at myfamily.com. We are having a blast with this in our family! And we're using their beta version, so it's free, at least for the moment. You should so do it!
Food and recipes,
Materialistic me
Shoot for the moon
You may recall that I have a chart system for behavior for my boys. They get a star for each daily task they are supposed to accomplish (getting up on time, cleaning their bedroom, a good report from school) and more stars for showing positive character attributes like being positive, being a peacemaker, and so on. For every five stars, they get a poker chip "token." They can also earn more tokens by helping around the house.
We have been doing the system for a little more than a year now. It was kind of petering out.
Then I restocked the treasure box. Oh, did I forget to tell you? The boys can use their tokens to purchase things from my treasure box. Mostly I have put little things in there -- stickers, gum, coloring books.
Yesterday I put in two DVDs and a Gameboy Advance game.
Suddenly the behavior is exemplary and all kinds of chores are getting done. This morning S cleaned the bathroom and folded a whole load of laundry.
This is something I have known for a long time and should have applied earlier. When we expect great things from our kids they will very often rise to our expectations.
Especially if it involves a Scooby Doo Gameboy game.
We have been doing the system for a little more than a year now. It was kind of petering out.
Then I restocked the treasure box. Oh, did I forget to tell you? The boys can use their tokens to purchase things from my treasure box. Mostly I have put little things in there -- stickers, gum, coloring books.
Yesterday I put in two DVDs and a Gameboy Advance game.
Suddenly the behavior is exemplary and all kinds of chores are getting done. This morning S cleaned the bathroom and folded a whole load of laundry.
This is something I have known for a long time and should have applied earlier. When we expect great things from our kids they will very often rise to our expectations.
Especially if it involves a Scooby Doo Gameboy game.
Little boy birthday blues ... what would you do?
So I thought it would be so cool to get A a bike for his birthday, which is May 30. I found a great deal on one on Amazon and ordered it.
Well, they are dorks and sent it in its regular box and he saw it.
Now he is all sad because
1. He wants the bike right now
2. Everybody else in the family already has a bike and they didn't have to get it for their birthday to get it (make sense?)
I cannot afford to give him the bike for no reason and still buy him a different birthday present.
I could send the bike back, try to get a bike from Freecycle, and find him a different birthday present. I have no idea what else to get him, though. He is turning 6.
What would you do?
Well, they are dorks and sent it in its regular box and he saw it.
Now he is all sad because
1. He wants the bike right now
2. Everybody else in the family already has a bike and they didn't have to get it for their birthday to get it (make sense?)
I cannot afford to give him the bike for no reason and still buy him a different birthday present.
I could send the bike back, try to get a bike from Freecycle, and find him a different birthday present. I have no idea what else to get him, though. He is turning 6.
What would you do?
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Summer goals
Here are some things I want to do this summer.
- Cook with fresh, local veggies and fruits. A lot. This is such an easy goal it is almost criminal. This week already we have eaten purple artichokes, baby pattypan squash, and charred corn/peppers/tomatoes. Have I mentioned I love California?
- Update my Web site workbaby with a search feature and video clips.
- Go to the beach at least once a month.
- Work in my garden at least once a week.
- Go to G's sister's wedding in Alaska in August. I think it really might happen! Alaska in August ... wild blueberries ... state fair ... the midnight sun ... Last time G and I went to our hometown it was July 2000. S was 11 months old. So much has changed, and it has been so long! We didn't think there was any way we'd be doing this trip, but a wedding gives us good motivation. I am excited!
Monday, May 07, 2007
You know they do this for attention

Or, I guess, maybe it gets really cold. You know, when you're skiing in Park City. A couple of people I was with were sorely tempted to buy this as a gift for their husbands.
What stopped them, you ask?
The possibility (probability in my case) that said husbands would actually wear it.
Endless amusement, I tell you.
Frequent shallow thoughts,
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
A project

I don't know these people ... just happened on the Etsy shop, where I got the print you see on the right for a couple of special moms for Mother's Day. I'm not telling who, in case they're reading! But isn't it just darling and sweet?
That lucky family, with such a talented and supportive sister!
Go check it all out!
A heart too large
When I was 18, I had a very devoted long-distance boyfriend, and I had a missionary I was in love with. They were not the same person. I was confused and lonely.*
A wise male friend told me that I would know when I saw them both again.
"The one who makes your heart too large is the one you love," he said. (He was right, and I married the missionary.)
Now it seems like my heart gets too large all the time.
Last night S insisted on reading from the Book of Mormon. He read 12 whole verses in 3 Nephi 15. He read about other sheep not of this fold, and one fold and one shepherd.
Abe had to get in on the fun by reading (sort of) one verse.
Watch out for my heart busting out of my chest.
*I was also living in cramped quarters at a fish processing plant in Dillingham, Alaska. Since my roommate's boyfriend was my sexual-harasser boss, my friend C and I moved out of that room into quarters with two very sweet and respectful Catholic boys. The move caused some scandal. Just goes to show, you can't judge by appearances. It was a much healthier environment than the supposedly-four-girl room where pervert boss was actually staying. Just an interesting story unrelated to the subject of this post.
A wise male friend told me that I would know when I saw them both again.
"The one who makes your heart too large is the one you love," he said. (He was right, and I married the missionary.)
Now it seems like my heart gets too large all the time.
Last night S insisted on reading from the Book of Mormon. He read 12 whole verses in 3 Nephi 15. He read about other sheep not of this fold, and one fold and one shepherd.
Abe had to get in on the fun by reading (sort of) one verse.
Watch out for my heart busting out of my chest.
*I was also living in cramped quarters at a fish processing plant in Dillingham, Alaska. Since my roommate's boyfriend was my sexual-harasser boss, my friend C and I moved out of that room into quarters with two very sweet and respectful Catholic boys. The move caused some scandal. Just goes to show, you can't judge by appearances. It was a much healthier environment than the supposedly-four-girl room where pervert boss was actually staying. Just an interesting story unrelated to the subject of this post.
Churchy stuff,
Occasional deep thoughts
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