Thursday, October 12, 2006

New world explorer

We're not celebrating Columbus Day today. Oh no, we have another eager explorer who arrived in a new world on October 12, promptly initiating the utter destruction of its previous order. Much to the general good luck and betterment of all involved, in this case.

Seven years ago, after quite a rollercoaster ride, we went to court in Milwaukee, met a courageous woman in a tough situation, and then brought home our eight-week-old firstborn son. Happy Gotcha Day, S!

(This photo was actually taken when he was 4 days old, the first time I met him, but it is the closest thing I have to a Gotcha Day photo on my computer here at work. Sorry!)

Our original adoption tradition is lighting a specific candle on this and other special days as we remember our kids' birthmoms. I sent each birthmom an identical candle. In theory at least, we are burning these lights at the same moments in our different places across the country as we think about each other.

The boys are old enough now that they really like this tradition. Sometimes we light the candle just when they are missing their birthmoms and want to think about them. It's nice to have a simple, thoughtful action to take to help them process those feelings.


SalGal said...

What a very sweet and special tradition to have!

Bek said...

I like that because it allows them to signal that they want to think about their bmamma w/ out having to articulate it. It makes them feel connected.... :-)