Thursday, September 07, 2006

There and back

So we had the best IKEA trip. Thank you for going with me Sally Lou! I got my big stuff and lots of little stuff and spent a lot of money. I had the meatballs and blueberry cake for lunch, and lingonberry juice.

And then I went to Trader Joe's for the first time ever. Which is sad considering I have lived in California for three years, but give me a break, it is not in my town. Now we have all kinds of yummy treats.

I got home at 6, cleaned myself up a bit (loading those big flat IKEA boxes is a sweaty business) and headed out for sushi with work people from all the different campuses. They are visiting our baby little town for a conference that is tomorrow. Don't I sound so high powered now? It was fun. I got all the dirt on all the administrations in the whole system. The most fun part about working in a news office is knowing all the news, especially the news you can't publicize. And I had green tea ice cream for dessert. Yum.

Wheeee, and I'm busted flat tired. GOOD NIGHT!


Julie said...

Ikea and TJ's! My two beloveds that I left when we moved. Enjoy them for me.

SalGal said...

Anytime, Banana. Anytime. :-)

I'm rollin' out the cream carpet today... pray for my children!

Kristine said...

I'm actually a huge Trader Joe's fan! I'm so glad you had your first visit.

As for IKEA, congratulations on making it out alive and without your credit cards maxed out!

Glad you are home safely!