Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Are you pretty?

Here was my conversation with S this morning:

S: Mom, are you pretty?

MOM: I don't know, what do you think? (pathetic fishing for a compliment from my kid, huh?)

S: Just say yes or no.

MOM: Um, yes.

S: Pretty ugly!!

Oh, I just love second-grade humor. We are getting "Spell I-CUP" and all those delightful things. And he just howls with laughter.

Kill me now.


SalGal said...

Here's some 4th grade humor you can retaliate with...

(spread your hand out on the top of his head and lightly move your fingers as if you were massaging a heart)

What's this?
(I don't know)

It's a baby brain sucker. What's it doing?
(I don't know)

It's starving!


Unknown said...

I knew I could count on you, Sally!!

Anonymous said...

Here's another one:

Q: If you're an American in the kitchen, what are you in the bathroom?

A: You're-A-Pee-an (Get it, Eur-A-Pee-An?) Ha! Ha!

That one is still funny, even for 5th graders (I think it debuted in our house in 2nd grade!)