Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Mantra: it's not me

It's PMS and allergies and taking on everybody else's work and an impending homestudy.

In a few days I'm gonna feel better. Really.


Bek said...

Hang in there!! You are almost done....

What can I do?

Unknown said...

Pray! Thank you. Not kidding.

Kristine said...

Either chocolate really helps at times like these, or it makes it WAY worse.

You are rightfully stressed dear Ana...hang in prayers are with you!

SalGal said...

Don't forget you have a full container of chocolate somewhere over there.

Coconut Kisses ring a bell?

Deep breaths, Banana! Deep breaths!!

Unknown said...

Oh Sally, all that chocolate is SO long gone. In my defense I did share with my YW on Sunday.

Thanks though!! Tonight is better already.

Julie said...

When it rains it pours!! Hang in there! More prayers coming for you...