This morning he barfed up a bunch of phlegm. So I (bad mommy) thought he was just having a problem digesting all the byproducts of his seasonal allergies. Gave him some allergy medicine and sent him to preschool. Where he barfed up his cantaloupe breakfast. So (very logically) I took him with me to campus to do some media stuff and got him a Pepsi, then back to my office to watch cartoons. Where he barfed up the Pepsi. I feel bad for the custodians, but there wasn't a whole lot I could do. At least it was all Pepsi at that point, not cantaloupe.
On the plus side, I now get to work (blog) from home while he sleeps the afternoon away on the family room couch.
I really hope I do NOT get sick.
Get well soon, potato. Again.
your day would sound funny if it weren't so sad! I think every mom has had that experience. I had it with my oldest son who complained of being sick and I didn't believe him (thought he just didnt want to go to school) and sent him anyway. I find I apologize frequently to my kids for being wrong. I think I will start a savings account for their future therapy!!
your day would sound funny if it weren't so sad! I think every mom has had that experience. I had it with my oldest son who complained of being sick and I didn't believe him (thought he just didnt want to go to school) and sent him anyway. I find I apologize frequently to my kids for being wrong. I think I will start a savings account for their future therapy!!
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