That was a cool day. We had 3 TV stations and 3 newspapers cover it.
I think I should wear red lipstick more often, but it is such a pain to try to keep it looking good all day. I even use that oil paint kind that supposedly does not come off. Except it does. Meh.
On days when you know you're going to end up on TV, it's worth it. Otherwise, not so much.
I think you look great! How very exciting!
Woo! Did you tape it so we can see?
We will probably get tapes from at least one of the stations in a couple of weeks.
Honestly, I know this sounds really blase and sort of snobby, but it has become significantly less of a big deal to me to be on tv since I got this job!
It sounds cool. I like you in red lipstick too. To help it stay on try putting lip liner all over your lips before the lipstick in a similar color. That works really well.
thanks for coming to my site. I love yours
You look great Ana!
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