Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Yesterday I got home and the whole idea of eating a cold ham sandwich was completely grossing me out. Sally had called me to ask me a question about rice for her stuffed-cabbage casserole, a recipe I really want now (ahem!). So I called her back and she gave me the idea to make some pasta primavera with ham. It turned out good and was much better for Valentine's Day than a dumb ol' sandwich!

Pasta Primavera Alla Salla (That's Italian for Sally)

1 lb spiral pasta (Eden Organics Kamut for me but you already know that)

1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 cup baby carrots, halved lengthwise
1 small red pepper, diced
1 small zucchini, sliced
1/2 lb lean ham (or proscuitto would be great but I didn't have that), cubed
1 c frozen petite peas
1 can chicken broth, or some white wine would be great but I don't really keep that around right now, not even for cooking, as it would confuse the children (we are teetotalling Mormons, don'tcha know!)
1 tbsp flour
basil to taste
black pepper and salt to taste

lemon wedges
parmesan cheese

Cook pasta. Meantime, saute carrots with ham in olive oil just until color of carrots deepens. Add peppers and zucchini and stir. Add half of the broth and reduce heat; simmer until carrots are tender. Shake remaining broth with flour in a closed container. Add and stir until thickened. Add basil, salt and pepper. Stir in peas and heat through. (I cannot abide overcooked peas!) Serve over pasta with lemon and cheese.

Great celebration of our mini spring. It's supposed to get cold again later on today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You don't want the recipe I used last night. TRUST ME.