Thursday, February 09, 2006

Cure for a day of pain

It's hell day today, otherwise known as cycle day one, the arrival of Aunt Flo, whatever. I was on the elliptical trainer this morning and at precisely 6:28 a.m. I got dizzy. This has happened before. About once a year I have a period where the pain is so intense that it nauseates me. I was so afraid that I was going to throw up right there in the gym, but blessedly I escaped. The cold air outside snapped me out of it. (And hey, I still did 22 minutes on the elliptical, so that's not bad!)

Nonetheless, it's a bummer of a way to start your day. Add in cranky kids, an overwhelming task list, freaky hormones, blah blah blah, and you get the picture.

But my husband just called to see if I could have lunch with him. And for some reason that makes everything better.

Along with a whole lot of ibuprofen.


Anonymous said...

I have a virtual pharmacy if you're still suffering! Just lemme know. Auntie S can hook you up! ;-)

Tammy said...

(((((((((((hugs))))))))) that is the pits. Hope lunch made you feel a bit better. WTG on the elliptical...

Allison said...

Oh, man. I feel for you. Going out to lunch is the perfect cure for those days, though.

(My favorite cure is ibuprofen + diet coke + good spicy salsa. This is why crampy days are always Mexican restaurant days for me. I don't know why it works, but it does.)