Saturday, April 03, 2010

Egging on

Just some photos of our Easter egg exploits today. I had big ideas about doing the Martha Stewart silk tie method and even found several colorful silk ties for 50 cents apiece at my favorite thrift store (same one where I got the blue vinyl chair). But I didn't read the instructions and boiled all the eggs before dyeing. If you click the link you will see that is not how to do it. Moral: read the instructions before you do anything, anything at all, all you geniuses out there.

Thank goodness I had a straightforward PAAS kit stashed, thanks to Dana who sent it via Good Mail. Old skool.

1 comment:

Braden Bell said...

LOL here's to PAAS. By the way, your mentioning old school and the subject of this post made me think of a blog you might like: