Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The crappy list

I e-mailed it to G asking him to take some of it. What ones do you think he'll volunteer for?

Kid stuff

  1. fix dependent care account mess & request remaining funds
  2. contact foster kids’ attorneys to reiterate that we want to adopt them
  3. check on status of de facto parent status for Z. Re-file if necessary. File for de facto parent status for K.
  4. Call the county regarding the adoptions worker who was supposed to visit.
  5. get attorney recommendations from [attorney friend]
  6. engage an attorney (After recommendations) – work with ARAG to get special referral status
  7. Make a 1y checkup appt for Z at KidsCare
  8. Make an eye appt for Z with [family optometrist]
  9. Make a WIC appt


  1. Get stereo fixed in minivan
  2. exchange MP3 player
  3. Board to go under bed (our bed was busted - whether by energetic jumping kids or exhausted, flopping grownups, we may never know)

House stuff

  1. Take down Christmas lights
  2. Finish putting away Christmas stuff
  3. Fix cupboard door
  4. Finish new job board and system
  5. Plant roses in container
  6. Change furnace filter


SalGal said...

Are you really reading The Historian?!?!

I lurved it!!!

Unknown said...

Yes I really am! And now I am wishing I hadn't been so slow to take you up on your recommendation!