Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Snow pics

And good things to do on snowy days.


Bury your grudges ... or the person you have a grudge against?

Play with your dog.

Play inside. With a hat, you can be like a grown up lady.

Get ready for the big day.

Curl up with a quilt and a good book. (Pictured: "The Queen of Style")

Cuddle up in your crate with ... a mirror? Well, this dog lives with a little diva; what can we say?


{krista} said...

Goodness sakes, your kids look so grown up! Especially that first picture. WOW!

annie said...

Looks like they have acclimated nicely to the cooler, SNOW weather! :o) Fun!

Miriam said...

Z & K are so big!