Wednesday, June 15, 2005

New story in the Friend

My third story is in the Friend magazine for July. "Maggie's Peaches" is a true story that happened to Maggie Tolman Porter, who was my great-great aunt if I remember correctly. It gets complicated mecause my mom and my dad are both related to her. The joys of coming from a longtime Utah Mormon family!

I am really pleased with the illustrations on "Maggie's Peaches," especially the one of Maggie holding a candle and a can of peaches that looks like a can of tomatoes, down in the cellar. One of the unexpected joys of this process is seeing how an illustrator envisions the story I've recorded. In this case they really match.

Someone asked me how I come up with these stories. Honestly I think most people have these stories in their families. Some families, like mine, tell them more often. Some kids, like me, are insatiable consumers of narrative and soak them up more completely. It was an incredibly lucky and blessed set of circumstances, especially considering that without the income from these stories we likely could not have continued to eat last year!

More will be coming. I'm especially excited to start seeing the stories of my great-grandmother, Alice Ashdown Tolman, in print. The Friend has bought four of them. I don't have dates yet for those, but I sure hope they do a good job with her shiny black ringlets.


Lisa M. said...

That is great! I just got my magazines this AM.

I love your blog! I am glad to have found it !

Erin said...

I always read the Friend the day it arrives and I remember Maggie's Peaches. That is really cool that you are writing these stories and they are helping you eat:)

Happy to have found your blog (from a link at the Growing Season) and looking forward to reading more!